
Workshops on GCED for teachers and students held at Tamos Space School in Kazakhstan

Tamos Space School was founded in 2020 and aims to foster open-minded global citizens who are eager to solve global problems, find solutions, and propose actions. The school has established a Creativity hub, which is a community zone at school where students, teachers, and parents come together and learn about connectedness and interconnectedness while playing, learning, and taking action.

As a part of APCEIU’s 2021 Mentorship programme in line with the 20th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop (APTW) on EIU/GCED, Elvira Sarsenova initiated a campaign in cooperation with different schools and companies, to share the idea of a creativity hub and construct a green zone at different areas following the completion of the workshop. These zones are expected to educate about GCED and local issues, as well as to establish a global citizenship community hub for stakeholders in order to promote sustainability and a culture of peace.

During the two-day workshop, teachers learned about interconnectedness and connectedness, gained knowledge about GCED principals and SDGs, and implemented ideas to the schools’ action plans and curricula to create projects for students. Furthermore, the school held a workshop for teachers where they learned about global issues and their impact on local issues, proposing changes to school curricula to prepare young leaders for meaningful actions. Along with this, a company called Ecofriendly initiated a workshop for students and teachers on conciseness.


Upon the successful implementation of the workshop, Toiganbayeva Gulnarа, a teacher from a public kindergarten implemented a creativity hub at the kindergarten. She built a green zone to remind the community that everyone can be a change-maker and that we all are responsible for a better future. Her lessons for students aged 5 to 6 included playing, drama acting, and gardening, and students shared their experience in these lessons at home with their parents.


Teachers and students continued to strengthen their projects and share the results with the community via Instagram after the workshop. In November, all participants came together to share insights about GCED learning and projects on SDGs and have been redesigning current curricula to cultivate global leaders.
